September 20, 2024

Coming Up

Updates to Mobile Device and Laptop Policy

Our full enforcement of this policy begins on Monday, September 23. Please read all the updates to the policy and the implementation plan. Take particular note of the following changes:  

  • Laptops and single-purpose e-readers are allowed at UTS. Smartwatches and tablets that are on school mode are allowed at UTS. These devices should be used only for the purposes of organization, classwork, homework completion and email. 

  • During lunch time and breaks, laptops, tablets and single use e-readers can be used for school work. Laptops should not be used for connecting to social media, gaming or watching videos during these times.

  • Cell phone use is permitted after school solely to coordinate a safe transportation home.

  • If a student is using their laptop to game, watch movies or access social media during lunch please take the device from the student and ask for their name and grade. As soon as possible, give the device to the Main Office with the name of the owner and their grade.

Fire Drill on Monday, September 23 at 9:30 a.m.

All staff should please review the Evacuation Plan carefully.

Teachers: please ensure students in your classes understand the expectations and the evacuation process. Please take attendance for your class outside in the designated grade area. Designate one or two students as runners to bring your class attendance to D and Hijab. The runners are required to the class group once the attendance is submitted. 

Operations staff: please ensure you understand the process and stay in a group with your respective manager.

Managers: please ensure you report the attendance of the members of your operations group to D and Hijab quickly once we are gathered outside.

Standby supply and coverage for teachers September 25 to 27 during Camp Kandalore

Teachers who teach M3 classes on any of the days their classes will be away are on standby coverage for the periods they would normally teach those grades. 

Please be sure to be available during your standby coverage. We will do our best to ensure teachers know their coverage assignments prior to the periods they are needed. 

For teacher with M3 classes with some M4 (or Senior) students, please either:

  • Let Jennifer Pitt-Lainsbury, Director of Academic Operations, know you will be working with those students in your classroom while the M3s are away and we will not give you another coverage or 

  • Consult with Rebecca Courtney, Director of Library Services, first and if there is room in the library, provide the list of students to Rebecca and the main office and ask your (M4/Senior) students to sign in at the main office and then report to Ms. Courtney the library for a study period. 

Teachers who are away at camp and have a few M4 or Senior students in their M3 classes may also instruct their M4s and Senior Students to report for attendance to the main office and then sign in at the library with Rebecca Courtney if they consult with Rebecca first, and the library has room to accommodate the students.

Staff Yoga

Staff yoga returns to the Jackman Theatre starting September 26. Please join us every Thursday at lunch time from 12:30 to 1:10 p.m. for restorative yoga with Fiona. Mats are available but feel free to bring your own. See you there!

Staff Social Committee

The social committee is looking for new members to bring fun, fresh and fanciful ideas to fruition this year. Identify your interest here if you’d like to join.


September 27, 2024


September 13, 2024