February 4, 2022

Words of Wisdom

My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.
— Desmond Tutu

Have a quote you would like to submit for next week’s Staff Update? Click here to share the words of wisdom that inspired you most recently.

COVID-19 Case Count

UTS reported 1 confirmed COVID-19 case among in-person staff and students during the week of January 29-February 4. These numbers are updated every Thursday, and can be found in the document below.

Weekly Schedule

Please find the supervision schedule for the week of February 7-11, 2022 below, including lunch supervision. 

Online Content Policy FAQ

Can I include photos of students in posts if they are not identifiable?
What should I do if my current account has photos of students?
What should I do if my account handle has ‘_uts_’ in it somewhere?

Students Learning Online and In-Person

This spreadsheet will be updated throughout the spiral for teachers to reference and determine which students will be learning in person and online. If a student is forced to isolate or remain home due to Covid in the household, the list will also be updated. Please reach out to Nancy if you have any questions or concerns about students learning online and/or who appear to be switching between the two.

In-Person Co-Curricular Activities Update

In person activities are now possible, after school.

If your group/activity needs a space at Humbert, please use R-School to book with Facilities.

Speech & Debate

Congratulations to Arnav Sheth (S6) and Alyssa Li (S5) will represent Team Ontario at the Senior National Public Speaking Championships hosted virtually by St. John’s Ravenscourt in Winnipeg February 11-13, 2022. Good luck!

Mental Health Minute: 5 Skills for Teen Development

There are many factors that can contribute to leading a happy and successful life. Harvard researchers at the Center on the Developing Child have identified a set of executive functioning skills that help with self-regulation and improve overall achievement. These skills are important to facilitate in adolescence as this is a key time for development and can lead to greater success in later life. Learn about the skills here.

Parent Update

Click below to check out this week’s Parent Update. New in this update, you will find information on a survey for parents to provide feedback on timetables/schedules for the 2022-23 school year, an additional reminder about drop-off and pick-up at Humbert, the latest on lunch and co-curricular regulations and more.

Silver Lining

Every week, we will feature a submission by a staff member that highlights the lighter side of life. If you would like to submit a Silver Lining, please email communications@utschool.ca.

Submit Silver Linings here or in the Staff Updates Google Doc!

Thanks to Garth, we have more dogs frolicking in snow.

To ensure our content is not exclusive to dogs, you may enjoy the
Cat’s Guide to Chinese New Year this week.

Year of the Horse - 2022, 2014, 1990


February 11, 2022


January 28, 2022