June 17, 2022

Words of Wisdom

“Summertime is always the best of what might be.
— Charles Bowden

Have a quote you would like to submit for next week’s Staff Update? Click here to share the words of wisdom that inspired you most recently.

COVID-19 Update

UTS reported 3 confirmed COVID-19 case among in-person staff and students during the week of June 13-17.

These numbers are updated every Thursday and can be found in the document below.

Best Wishes to Marc Brims

Please see the announcement from the Office of the Principal regarding Marc Brims' departure from UTS to an exciting new role closer to home. We wish Marc the best of luck as he beings a new chapter as Head of Senior School at St. Mildred’s Lightbourne School.

Remembering Keva Garg

We invite members of the UTS community to join us in a collective remembering of Keva on Tuesday June 21, 2022 from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Our hope is to hold space as a community to share memories, food and listen to music. 

This invitation is being shared with UTS Staff and Students who knew Keva. Please feel free to join or not as best suits your needs and wishes.

Location: 44 Devonshire Parkette Just North of St. Hilda’s

For any questions, please contact Steph or Joelle.

Warm regards, 

 Remembering Keva Planning Group 

F2 Sustainability Year-Long Learning Theme

In celebration of the F2 Sustainability year-long learning theme (YLLT), we invite you to explore this co-created website (especially teams 1B, 2A, 9B), where you can learn about the 25 sustainability campaigns that 25 teams of F2 Change-Makers collaboratively designed and implemented in the UTS (student) community this year, to address a sustainability problem that they care about.  The F2s have explored sustainability with genuine concern and curiosity, and have made some real efforts to spread this learning and engage the rest of the school in sustainability actioning.  They have shown initiative, have collaborated on impactful work, and have much to be proud of!


Cresencia and Richard, who co-lead this F2 YLLT, would like to thank USEAC, who co-created the sustainability challenges with us, and the many volunteer mentors who supported the F2s throughout the year:

  • Student mentors from USEAC:  Cooper P., Patricia N., Alyssa L.; most especially Shreya S., Grace ML K.,  and Anna R., for their strong peer mentorship throughout the year

  • Staff mentors:  Jen Cypher, Liz Straszynski, Omar Nezami, Matteo Ferrero-Wong, Jeff McLeod, Kateryna Pashchenko, Adria Lee

We would also like to thank Cat Criger and Marc Brims for their planning and rich student learning experiences.  Furthermore, we applaud the F2 teachers who have been nurturing Sustainability learning across the curriculum

Pride Season 2022

As many already know, Pride Season is upon us and is a time to celebrate the strength and spirit of LGBTQ2+ communities. 

Check-out this overview presented by Statistics Canada which highlights important data on gender diversity in Canada: Pride Season Census.

With pride awareness being present during June and throughout this season, the Child Mind Institute has released helpful resources to help kids thrive. Given LGBTQ2+ individuals are at higher risk of mental health challenges, it is essential for adults and caregivers to better understand what helps, and hurts, LGBTQ2+ kids. Learn more from the Child Mind Institute about how to support LGBTQ2+ children here

Parent Update

New in this update you will find information on when final report cards will be mailed to families, details on upcoming parent tours of the new building as we move into the summer season, a final call for return of musical instruments before the end of the school year, an update to the UTS Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Policy, and more.

Silver Lining

Every week, we will close the Staff Update with a little silver lining that highlights the lighter side of life. So far the theme has been pet photos, but any cheerful content is welcome!

Submit Silver Linings here or in the Staff Updates Google Doc.

This week’s share goes back to 2019, celebrating three years since the Raptors first brought an NBA Championship to Canada, and the Larry O’Brien Trophy home to Toronto.


September 9, 2022


June 10, 2022