May 31, 2024

You are Invited to the End of Year Staff Party! 

Celebrate the end of the school year and all the amazing work done by you and your colleagues. We will also be commemorating milestone years of service and thanking our departing staff for all the wonder they have brought UTS.

Tuesday, June 25

4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Fortunate Fox (280 Bloor St. W.)

RSVP here by Monday June 10th

Supplies for Your Year End Party

If you need paper plates, cutlery, cups or napkins for your end of school celebration with your students or colleagues please reach out to Paula before purchasing any. She may have just what you need already on hand.

Expense Claims/Reimbursement

A reminder to all staff: Please note the cut-off date for expense claims including personal PD requests is Monday June 10, 2024, in order to process full payment to you by June 30, 2024.

Could all staff ensure that where possible, as many expense claims that relate to 2023-2024 have been passed to Finance by June 24, 2024.

Main Office phone number change

The main office number is changing as of June 1st.  

The Main Office numbers are now 365.297.5706 or 365.645.7609. [Please change on your cell phone contacts.]

You can also email us at

Request for Weekend Events - 2024-25

To ensure proper Facilities support, we aim to limit weekend events to two per month in the 2024-25 school year.

Fill out THIS FORM if you have weekend booking needs.

Whenever possible the school will try to coordinate multiple events on the same weekends.

Smaller weekend events that do not require significant Facilities support may be approved  based on requests submitted to the calendar committee during the school year. 

Equity Corner

Here are some resources you may find useful, as well as the Equity Resources on the Staff Portal:

Check out the External Professional Learning page regularly for professional learning and development opportunities.  Happy Learning!

Please forward any suggestions regarding sessions to  

Thank you Maureen, Negar and Elizabeth for sharing resources/workshops!

oUTSanding Readings

How identity-affirming texts empower literacy education by Alex Sharp

Upcoming Faith, Celebratory and Heritage dates

Indigenous History Month - June

Pride Month - June

Italian Heritage Month - June

Portuguese History and Heritage Month - June 

Eid Ul Adha - June 17 

Indigenous Peoples Day - June 21 

Somali Heritage Week - June 25 - July 1   

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” ~ Maya Angelou

Potential Upcoming TTC Strike

TTC workers may go on strike as early as Friday, June 7.

We know this might be challenging for staff.

Please plan now to make alternative arrangements in case the TTC labour issues are not resolved.

Silver Linings

Thanks to Negar Shayan for providing this week’s Silver Living. If you would like to share a Silver Lining for a future Staff Update, please submit your content here.


June 7, 2024


May 24, 2024