June 3, 2022

Words of Wisdom

“To strengthen the muscles of your heart, the best exercise is lifting someone else’s spirit whenever you can”.
— Dodinsky

This week’s Words of Wisdom was submitted by Negar Shayan.

Have a quote you would like to submit for next week’s Staff Update? Click here to share the words of wisdom that inspired you most recently.

COVID-19 Update

UTS reported 0 confirmed COVID-19 cases among in-person staff and students during the week of May 30-June 3.

These numbers are updated every Thursday and can be found in the document below.

UTSPA Wellness: Eating Disorder Panel (Recording)

UTSPA Wellness hosted NEDIC on May 19 to increase awareness on the effect of eating disorders on youth.

The panel consisted of the following individuals - a person with lived experience, a parent who is actively supporting their child’s recovery journey, and a health care clinician who provided insights into the therapeutic process.

Here is the link for the panel discussion video. 

Key takeaways from the conversation:

  • Eating disorders are a medical issue and as such require treatment. There is a genetic component to eating disorders, however environmental factors also play a significant role. 

  • Eating disorders thrive in silence. It is very important to interrupt the silence by asking open ended questions that address the behavior. For example, if you have noticed that an individual is restricting their eating, the following question may be asked: ‘I have noticed that for the past week you have been skipping out on dinner. Can we discuss that?’

  • Act if you notice red flags. It is important to go with your gut feeling and your instincts when it comes to this situation. 

  • Early diagnosis and timely access to appropriate help is key. It is important to remember that this is a journey that may have some good weeks/months/years, but there may also be setbacks down the road. Here is a guide that will help you discuss your concerns with your GP. 


Parent Update

New in this update you will find dates and information for F1 and F2 students attending Crawford Lake on June 6 (F2) and June 13 (F1) to wrap up their Year Long Learning Themes programming, the June lunch menu and ingredients, details on the end-of-year celebration for high school athletics Blue & White Night, and more.

Silver Lining

Every week, we will close the Staff Update with a little silver lining that highlights the lighter side of life. So far the theme has been pet photos, but any cheerful content is welcome!

Submit Silver Linings here or in the Staff Updates Google Doc.

This week’s share comes from today’s House Island Day!


June 10, 2022


May 27, 2022