May 27, 2022

Words of Wisdom

“Go and love someone exactly as they are. And then watch how quickly they transform into the greatest, truest version of themselves. When one feels seen and appreciated in their own essence, one is instantly empowered.”
— Wes Angelozzi

This week’s Words of Wisdom was submitted by Negar Shayan.

Have a quote you would like to submit for next week’s Staff Update? Click here to share the words of wisdom that inspired you most recently.

COVID-19 Update

UTS reported 1 confirmed COVID-19 cases among in-person staff and students during the week of May 24-27.

These numbers are updated every Thursday and can be found in the document below.

Upcoming Events Calendar

  • F2 Passion Project - Wednesday June 1 from 12:30 to 3:15 p.m in the Multipurpose Room.

  • "Freeze the Moment" Wellness Freezie Distribution - June 1 at 3:15 p.m. in the Fleck Atrium.

UTSPA Wellness: Life Beyond UTS Parent Workshop

On May 5, parents of UTS alumni joined a conversation to share their wisdom and suggestions on how to support your child’s transition from UTS.

We invite you to check out the key Workshop Takeaways.

If you have any questions or would like to consult Steph or Joelle, email

Continued Masking at UTS

A gentle reminder to all staff that UTS is continuing with its mandatory medical masking policy for all staff and students. Staff (and students) are required to wear their masks in the classrooms and hallways at all times. If you notice students are not masking, please ask them to do so. 

Staff are allowed to have their masks off under the following conditions:

  • if they are eating at their desks

  • in a space (staff room/office) by themselves - however as soon as someone walks in, they have to put their masks on if not actively eating.  

We encourage all staff and students to take advantage of the warmer weather during their break and lunch time. This would also allow for increased opportunities for mask breaks. 

Parent Update

New in this update you will find dates and ticket information for the last UTS Music concert of the school year, camp registration information for students interested in becoming global health changemakers, a reminder to music students about the return of instruments, a link to watch the performance of SHOW 2022, , details on the upcoming House Island Day next month, and more.

Silver Lining

Every week, we will close the Staff Update with a little silver lining that highlights the lighter side of life. So far the theme has been pet photos, but any cheerful content is welcome!

Submit Silver Linings here or in the Staff Updates Google Doc.

This week’s share comes from Negar Shayan:


June 3, 2022


May 20, 2022