November 11, 2022

The thinnest yellow light of November is more warming and exhilarating than any wine they tell of.
— Henry David Thoreau

Have a quote you would like to submit for next week’s Staff Update? Click here to share the words of wisdom that inspired you most recently.

Staffing Update

We would like to inform everyone that Josey Daley’s last day at UTS is today, November 11.

Josey has been an integral part of the finance operation since 2019 and was part of the team in navigating through the transformative change at UTS.

We thank her for her valued contributions in her role as Senior Accountant, and her support in ensuring the success of the building project financing.

We wish her all the best and great success in her future endeavours.

Bike Room Lockers/Bikes

The lockers in the bike room are for day use only and are available on a first come, first served basis.

Locks should not be left on the lockers overnight

All non-UTS locks will be removed on Friday, November 18. If you require a UTS lock please contact the Facilities department. 

Please be considerate of others and store your bike in the bike room and not other spaces in the building.

Email Signatures

By end of day on Thursday, November 10, new email signatures should be rolled out for staff, through a Google Form which provided preferences, titles, degrees and more. If any details have changed since you filled in the form, please click here to resubmit.

This form will also be available on the Staff Portal under the ‘Forms'‘ section here if any changes need to be made in the future.

In tandem with the new website, we are making this change to convey greater consistency and professionalism in our branding to our external community. Please do not alter the signature in your Gmail signature settings.

November 17 Staff Meeting

A reminder to all staff, that the next all staff meeting will be held on November 17.

Anyone with items they would like to include on the agenda for the upcoming meeting should email Garth Chalmers.

Athletics Calendars

Parent Updates

In this update you will find information on a UTS international exchange information meeting for F2 and M3 students, a peer tutoring support program, a UTSPA conversation on equity and inclusion, a UTSPA Wellness event on changing relationships and adolescents, the latest from S5 and S6 guidance seminars, and more.

COVID-19 Case Counter

COVID numbers are updated every Thursday and can be found here in this document.

Silver Linings

A photo from this week’s S6 bowling and laser tag grade event.


November 18, 2022


November 4, 2022