October 21, 2022

I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.
— L. M. Montgomery

Have a quote you would like to submit for next week’s Staff Update? Click here to share the words of wisdom that inspired you most recently.

Welcomes, Farewells and Congratulations

After four years at UTS, Kevin Brice has decided to pursue new opportunities and priorities closer to home and will be leaving UTS at the end of December.  

Kevin has been an important part of the success of Student Life over the past four years at UTS, and has made invaluable contributions through his role. Kevin has brought innovation and efficiencies to the many spheres of student life he touched at UTS. We are thankful to have him continue with us until the end of December, to help with this transition. 

We are also saying farewell to Vernon Kee, who has accepted a teaching role much closer to home, within York Region District School Board (YRDSB). Vernon has been with UTS for five years, teaching Computer Science and Mathematics and leading Summer Camp Programs at UTS. As Technology Integration Facilitator, he was also instrumental in launching and supporting the integration of technology in our classrooms. 
Vernon brought an in-depth knowledge of computer science, 3-D printing, and engineering to both his classroom and co-curricular activities such as Dungeons & Dragons. 

While we are disappointed to lose two talented individuals who have enriched our offerings at UTS, we wish them all the best as they move on to new chapters in their careers.

Virtual Class in the morning of Tuesday November 8, 2022

To accommodate PTIs, classes in the morning of Tuesday, November 8 will be online. Teachers should share links to their Google Meets with their students closer to the date.

Career Opportunities

There are two current openings on the Staff Portal Job Board.

  1. Student Life Officer under USW Operations Positions.

  2. Computer Science/Mathematics Teacher (LTO) under Internal/External Teaching Positions.

Upcoming All Staff PD

November 2 from 9 to 10:15 a.m.

November 11 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

November 23 from 9 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.

Here is the overview of the PD sessions this fall. This document will be updated as we add more sessions after December.

pickAtime for Parent-Teacher Interviews

pickAtime goes live to parents on Monday, October 24 at 7 a.m. Be sure you have booked your breaks.

2SLGBTQIA+ CIS Ontario Affinity Network

Last year, CIS Ontario launched an employee affinity network for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community within our member schools.

Affinity groups provide an opportunity for sharing and exploring lived experiences within a safe and supportive space that is accessed by membership within a group defined by racial, ethnic, gender identity or sexual orientation. Within affinity groups, members celebrate identity, while sharing successes and challenges with the ability to engage freely. An affinity platform also provides an opportunity for connection through networking and sharing resources in the spirit of promoting learning and connection for the members and amongst member schools.

The 2SLGBTQIA+ Affinity Network is a space for those that identify as members based on their gender identity or sexual orientation. This is not a space to learn about the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. It is a space for people who identify as 2SLGBTQIA+.

If this is a space for you, please consider joining us so that we can share, give testimony to our experiences, and support one another. 

Register here


The PSAT will take place after school on Tuesday, October 25. Access to the 2nd floor will be very limited as it will be an Exam Zone.

U.S. Early College Application Letters and Teacher Recommendations

Letters and teacher recommendation forms needed to be completed in Naviance by 8:30 a.m. this morning. If you have yet to complete these documents, please ensure that they are done and in Naviance by 8:30 a.m. on Monday. Counsellors need the time to review, troubleshoot and send documents before the institutional deadlines. If you have any questions, please contact Andrea (A-J), Julia (K-Sh) or Munira (Si-Z). Many thanks!

Keva Garg Memorial Basketball Tournament

The UTS Community received an invitation to the Keva Garg Memorial Basketball Tournament being held next week. The event begins on Thursday October 27 at 3:15 p.m. Dismissal is 3:10 p.m. for students interested in attending without scheduled tests/assessments unless arrangements have been made directly with teachers. 

The tournament resumes on October 28 at 9 a.m. if students wish to attend games throughout the school day, they must have spares. 
For any further questions, please contact social.work.staff@utschools.ca or Michel Knox

F1 Year-Long Learning Theme Update for F1 Teachers


As part of the F1 Year-Long Learning Theme (YLLT) on Truth and Reconciliation, please note there will be some very exciting F1 learning events happening on one of the upcoming PTI days:

  • November 10, 9 a.m. to 3:40 p.m. (on site @ UTS): Four in-person hands-on workshops facilitated by guest Indigenous educators

  • This is the draft schedule.  Details will be added closer to Nov. 10

For student wellness considerations, it would be great if homework on the November PTI days could be minimal, so they can be fully present and engaged in the YLLT learning.


Many thanks to the F1 Drama and French teachers for contributing to our F1 YLLT curriculum map.  Could all other F1 teachers please add your course connections to the theme of Truth and Reconciliation (which includes Indigenous perspectives, Indigenous ways of knowing/learning)?  We will discuss these connections at our upcoming November 11 PD Day.


We’re in need of old magazines for an art-based YLLT workshop happening during the November PTI days.  If you have any old magazines to discard, please deposit them in the box outside Cresencia’s office (L140) after Open House.

F2 Year-Long Learning Theme Update for F2 Teachers


As part of the F2 Year-Long Learning Theme (YLLT) on Sustainability, please note there will be some very exciting F2 learning events during PTI days.

  • November 8, 1:15 to 2:45 p.m.:  Virtual workshop via zoom; students to participate from home

  • November 9, 9 a.m. to 3:40 p.m. (on site @UTS):  Four in-person hands-on workshops facilitated by guest sustainability educators 

  • This is the draft schedule.  Details will be added closer to November 8.

For student wellness considerations, it would be great if homework on the November PTI days could be minimal, so they can be fully present and engaged in the YLLT learning.


Please review the 2022-23 F2 YLLT curriculum map, and check if your course connections are accurate (please update as needed). Might there be some curricular connections in English, HPE, Math?  We will discuss these connections at our upcoming November 11 PD Day.


We’re in need of old magazines for an art-based YLLT workshop happening during the November PTI days.  If you have any old magazines to donate, please deposit them in the box outside Cresencia’s office (L140).

Your Culminating Activity + Making?

Sean Hayto invites teachers to bring him your culminating activity assignments and idea-jam about ways Making+Design might be integrated into the assignment or offered as a differentiated student choice.

You may also bring culminating activity assignments to Cresencia for idea-jamming on ways to integrate Making.

Athletics Calendars

Parent Updates

New in this update you will find information on online classes for students on the morning of November 8, Halloween Fun Week, F1 and F2 Service Saturday, Halloween Fun Week, Year-Long Learning Theme activities for F1 and F2 students during Parent-Teacher Interview days and more.

COVID-19 Case Counter

UTS reported two confirmed COVID-19 cases among in-person staff and students during the week of October 17 to 21.

These numbers are updated every Thursday and can be found here in this document.


October 28, 2022


October 14, 2022